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Executive & Stakeholder Presenting

An interactive, participative

program for experienced


Explores creative

individual solutions to generate exciting 

high-powered results.   

Successful Presenting


An entry-level interactive, program to generate speaker confidence and impact audiences. Overcome stress and find your voice.

Perfect Pitch

A program for anyone who

 needs to represent themselves,

 their concept or business

compellingly  in 45 seconds. 

Dynamic Meetings

In-house or externally: Master the agenda, pilot full member participation. Meet objectives, generate ideas and buy-in.

Set an action plan.

E-mail Efficiency

Crack the zero in-box, with less stress, more efficiency and productivity.

Executive Prensenting

Executive & Stakeholder Presenting


2-day training program 

Designed for experienced presenters who wish to propel their speaking skills to top leadership level with charisma, conviction and impact to consolidate their reputation and positively impact decision makers, visionaries and influencers.  

This interactive and highly participative program uses research from neuro-psychology and explores creative individual solutions to generate exciting results.



  • Build trust, credibility and respect by understanding and anticipating audience expectations

  • Structure clear, concise presentations with striking first impressions and irresistible conclusions

  • Influence with non-verbal communication

  • Manage emotions and stress; withstand high levels of pressure

  • Integrate audience reactions, ensure interest and buy-in

  • Create and select powerful, meaningful visuals

  • Handle exchanges and resistance with enthusiasm and respect

  • Argue your point: get past audience objections and resistance


  • Deliver with, confidence, stature and knowledge of the subject, the mission and the audience

  • Capture audience attention Get to your point in minimum time with maximum clarity 

  • Impact the audience before beginning to speak

  • Stress triggers and how to handle them. Staying afloat and deliver the essential 

  • Reading the audience.

  • We live in a visual world. Create instant visual impact.

  • Preparing ahead, anticipating reactions, enjoying the experience.


  • Mastering audience desires. Surpassing expectations. Master the 5 C's : Confidence, Content, Constancy, Control, Competence

  • Open to grab attention. Reduce concepts to one or two key elements. Understand the power of anecdotes, word choice and storytellingClose with a grand finale.

  • The 20-20-20 Rule : Seconds – Centimetres – Words 

  • Condense a 40-minute speech  to a 5-minute pitch

  • Exercises:  video clips, how would you respond ?

  • A picture tells a thousand words… but not every picture.Watch the experts  

  • Exercises in interpreting  questions and sparing. Videos to test your reactions and handling of exchanges

  • Exercises in the P-V-R-R technique:  Pause – Validate – Reformulate – Regroup.

Successful Presenting Skills

2-day Face-to-Face programme for a full and exciting experience

Maximum 8 participants

Successful Presentng Skills

Designed for managers, engineers, technicians, sales and marketing people who are called on to present to clients, colleagues or suppliers.  Anyone who is called on to convey key messages and influence an audience to take action:  such as making a decision, supporting a new idea, spreading word about the company.



  • To become aware of your natural skills and talents as a presenter

  • Identify both the internal and the external obstacles & hesitations

  • Recognise your strengths & development areas

  • Perfect your communication skills to maximize your message and influence the audience

  • Connect with & involve the audience


  • Multiple and varied presentations to identify qualities and attributes

  • Identify where your energy is,  level of involvement and conviction. Level of belief, desire and credibility

  • Presenting a same topic using learning and feedback to perfect

  • Identify key messagesOrganise contentEstablish audience expectations

  • Experiment different strategies to involve audience passively, actively, with humour and curiosity


  • Pre-prepared professional speechesImprovisedPitch to convinceExplain an issu

  • Identifying self-talk, before and during presentations. Audience perception, enthusias

  • Presenting before an audience for feedbackFilming for self-appraisalWho do you admire ? 

  • The 6 Question methodCovering every eventuality for audience satisfactionAudience knowledge

Perfect Pitch

Perfect Pitch

1 day training program 

Designed for engineers, executives, managers and technicians who are all short of time.  Attracting the attention and stimulating the interest of potential clients or colleagues  in 40 seconds  is vital is business. The Perfect Pitch workshop provides the essentials of this tool allowing each participant to build and test their own unique pitch.

The  Perfect Pitch concept is to entice the listener to ask, “Tell me more”.  

Using video to record the pitches to detect winning strategies, development areas and techniques to influence listeners, this program explores the neuro-psychology behind persuasion,  impact and influence.  



  • Benchmark  your natural skills and areas of development 

  • Create a total concept using: words, ideas, metaphors, teasers, links, surprises, humour, intelligence,emotion 

  • Connect with and involve the listener to generate a “Tell me more!” reaction

  • Transmit energy, enthusiasm, excitement about and around the concept   

  • Perfect your communication skills to maximize your message and influence the audience

  • Identify and overcome the obstacles, both internal and external


  • Pitch your current speech to assess winning elements

  • Ensuring impact and connection with the listener

  • Multiple and varied pitches  to identify key elements: Problem:  Your solution ; Concept : Exclusive & USP ; Personality: ME and no other ; Expertise: Mastery ; Why ? : Qualities & attributes

  • Identify where your energy is,  level of involvement and conviction. Level of belief, desire and credibilityNon-verbal communication to cultivate presence, and control

  • Enjoyment & confidence in the pitch and yourself

  • Tone & intonation for a clear message, breathing & vocal determinationIdentify key messagesOrganise contentEstablish audience expectationsExperiment different strategies to involve audience passively, actively, with humour and curiosity


  • The purpose of a pitch.Videos of winning pitches. Pre-selection of information, concepts, connexions and key messages. Generating a good first impression

  • Choose key positive lexic from 100 positve words. Pre-prepared professional pitches – how they functionImprovised pitch to convinceConceive seductive content. Deliver a memorable pitch to seduce, surprise, delight listeners

  • Involving the audience, making the pitch accessible and enjoyable for everyoneAudience perception, enthusiasm

  • Organise the pitch to ensure an effective trigger, clarity and an irresistible hook.Presenting before an audience. Film for self-evaluation

  • Telling a story – the power of emotions

  • Finishing with a flourish – giving interesting information or juicy story

  • Identifying self-talk, before and during presentations. Building charisma, loving what you do!

Dynamic Meetings

Dynamic Meetings


1 day training program in presential or virtual

In-house or externally : master the agenda, pilot full member participation.

Meet objectives, generate ideas and buy-in. Set an action plan




  • Identify the objective of the meetingSeek input from participantsSelect topics of interest to all participantsList agenda topics as questions the team needs to answer. Estimate a realistic amount of time for each topic.

  • Identify your public. Knowing how to use apropriate vocabulary. Adapt your voiceAdapt your body language

  • The right people with the right information and a reason for attendingDistribute Roles between participantsIdentify who is responsible for leading each topic.

  • Human psychology, working with limitations, realistic expectations.

  • Understanding human limitations, needs, motivation, implication and participation


  • BrainstormingDesign ThinkingCollective IntelligenceIdentifying the flight path and potential turbulence. 

  • Making a filmed scenario

  • Identify needs, contributions, expertise and availability.  ROI for each crew member

  • Who does what, why, where and when ?

  • Flow chart to assess if, when and how to schedule the meeting.

  • Create a flight plan to distribute to whole crew

  • Exercises in scheduling, timing, organisation, role-play, pre-flight checks, rotating roles

E-mail Efficiency

Email Efficiency

 1 Day Face-to-Face program

Maximum 8 participants

Many companies now use internal communication systems and reserve Email for external messaging.  Despite a desire for ‘Zero Email’, overflowing in-boxes continue to be time consuming and generate stress. 

This interactive workshop provides practical and effective solutions for using this indispensable but stress-generating technology.  The program concentrates on the human factor and email efficient communication skills rather than the tool itself. You’ll discover methods for overcoming poor time and energy  management and simple methods for writing effective messages

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